Mario has been a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor since 1995, and he is a Full Professor of Business Economics at the University of Udine, and adjunct lecturer of Corporate Governance Systems at the Bocconi University of Milan.
- He is an expert on company valuations used in both extraordinary business transactions and impairment analyses for the annual and consolidated financial statements of listed or large companies.
- He possesses a wealth of experience in providing expert advice and opinions on financial statements, national accounting standards and IAS/IFRS, governance, business valuations across a range of industries, and in civil and criminal proceedings.
- He currently serves on the board of directors and supervisory board of a number of medium- and large-sized companies and public sector bodies. He is also a director at Iccrea Banca, deputy chairman of Banca Aletti (Banco BPM group), chairman of Banca Popolare di Lodi (as supervisor of the new course and restructuring (after the 2005 events) and a Member of the Surveillance Committee, Internal Control Committee, and Supervisory Board of Banco Popolare pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
- In the utilities and energy sector, he is a member of the Nucleo di valutazione e controllo strategico of ARERA (Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment).
- He is a member of the Insurance Committee of Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC), the Italian standard setter.
- He is the author of numerous national and international articles on strategy and management, financial statements, bank-business relations, ethics, and corporate social responsibility.